OurĀ Services
Adaptation to property
We can provide a full design service for improving the access and facilities in your property. We can prepare schedules of work, obtain quotes, undertake inspections of work in progress checking on quality and deal with contractors over their accounts. We will always consult with the client and if appropriate the council and social services before finalising any design. We always endeavour to make the design as sympathetic as possible to blend in with the existing building.
Types of adaptations we carry out include:
- Bathroom adaptation For instance or for example the installation of grab rails, replacing the bath with a level access shower, improving access into the bathroom, raising height of toilet and supply and installing of specialist equipment (such as rise and fall bath and shower toilet). Examples of bathroom adaptations can be seen in the photograph.
- Improvements to internal and external access We can help provide advice and the design of access into a property and improve the internal layout, and design improved access to the garden. Alterations can include providing ramped access, replacing external doors with level threshold doors, relocating internal door openings and widen internal openings. With our technical expertise, we are able to assess whether walls are structural and if beams are required. There are also options to the type of external access, which can include concrete ramps, steel ramps and external platform lifts. In certain circumstances, access to the first floor of a property is required. In these situations, we look at obtaining quotes for stairlifts or through floor lifts if considered more appropriate. This depends on the individual requirement of the client.
- Kitchen improvement We understand that access in and around the kitchen is extremely important. We are able to provide a full design service for improving the kitchen configuration. This can include lowering the kitchen worktops, provide easy access cupboards and improve the locations of appliances.
- Other building adaptations In certain circumstances, we also look at room reallocation, improving bedroom facilities and, where required, extending the property to provide better bathroom, bedroom or kitchen accommodation. We can produce plans, submit for Planning Approval and obtain Building Control consent for these works.

Maintenance issues
We are routinely called out to inspect defects and maintenance issues to both private and commercial properties. This can include general decoration, window replacement, roof renewal, penetrating / rising dampness issues, cracks to walls and wall tie failure. We are able to discuss any building issue, provide advice with reports illustrated with photographs, we can also manage the project assisting with engaging contractors to to carryout required repairs and maintenance.

Improving thermal efficiency
Many older properties were built with no or little insulation. We can provide recommendations of what improvements can be made (such as replacement glazing, roof insulation, etc) and investigate grant resources to aid in improving this element.

Repairs/replacement heating systems
If any faults occur with the heating system, we can organise for a certified plumber to visit you and report back to us/you on what the problem is. We can then help with deciding the best course of action in remedying the issue. In certain circumstances we can investigate grant resource, which can be used to resolve the problem.

Electrical faults
If any faults occur with your electrics, we can organise for a certified electrician to visit you and report back to us/you on what the problem is. We can then help with deciding the best course of action in remedying the issue. In certain circumstances we can investigate grant resource, which can be used to resolve the problem.

Investigating building defects (such as dampness, cracking etc)
Should you have any concerns over possible defects to your building, we are able to visit and inspect the property. This is followed with a defect report identifying the likely cause of the problem with recommendations of what is required to resolve the issue. We can also provide recommendations or help to organise quotes from builders and check the work on completion to ensure the work is satisfactory.

Extensions and house refurbishments
We can provide advice and design service for any possible changes you may want to have carried out to your property. This includes a full consultation with the client, preparation of drawings and schedules of works, to submit for Planning Permission, and Building Control consent, advise on any other consents required, approach contractors to obtain alternative estimates for the work, prepare a tender report, instruct contractor, undertake periodic site visits to check on the standard of work and sign works off. We also check the contractors accounts concerning the building work, through to completion.